Friday, November 23, 2012
Concluding My 7 Days of Giving Thanks
Constantly I think about writing. Whether I am thinking about writing something that would send a good message or just be entertaining I am thinking about writing it down. I really wanted to do this piece on My 7 Days of Giving Thanks but the thought of having to write something everyday and having barley anytime to check it for grammatical/spelling/and(or) typos terrified me. Though with much swallowed fear I want on and have it a go.
I must say I did learn more than I thought I would this last week. I thought about things I was thankful for and took for granite. I gained an appreciation for learning how to use the internet to communicate my writing with people. I began to learn how to grow an audience. Most importantly, I grew a stronger relationship with God.
All in all, this past week was a great learning experience and I can’t wait to look back on it years later and think about when I was writing this now. If I hadn't of decided to go ahead and go for it, I might would have never learned anything new. I might would have never posted anything else on this blog for months to come. So if today was another day of being thankful I would be thankful I had the courage to do this blog.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Day 7 of My 7 Days of Giving Thanks 2012
Happy Thanksgiving! Today, My 7th Day of Giving Thanks I am thankful for family. All parts of family, the good, the bad, and the annoying.
I am thankful for those who are always there. The ones who are there so much you can’t help but get into arguments with them because anyone there that long couldn't help but to drive you crazy. The ones you laugh with and the ones who take care of you when you are sick. The ones you hug and tell you love.
I am thankful to get to spend the day with my family. I am thankful for the opportunity of us all gathering under the same roof and sharing out blessing together. Today is to family. I love yawl.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Day 6 of My 7 Days of Giving Thanks 2012
One day left until Thanksgiving. I have (semi)successfully wrote a heartfelt “I am thankful for…” post for the past 5 days. As I write one of my last days I feel like I have become more thankful than I was when I started. Today, Day 6 or My 7 Days of Giving Thanks, I am thankful for all I have.
At times it doesn't seem like too much and at others it seems overflowing, but no matter the amount I never go without. I might not always have everything I want but God always provides me with everything I need. Sometimes it doesn't always come at the time I want it to and I don’t enjoy waiting, but it always comes.
I really can’t complain. God watched over me and makes sure I always have what I need. I put my Trust in Him. So today, I thank God for the thing I have.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Day 5 of My 7 Days of Giving Thanks 2012
Smoke blows from my mouth. The air is quiet and crisp. Everything but bright white dots in the sky are painted black and I am starring up at the beauty of the night. Today I am thankful for the beauty of slowing down.
I enjoy how things slow down. Everything and everyone in the world always seems so rushed. At times it feels like the whole world is in a hurry and I am the only one standing still. Watching a squirrel run up a tree to escape a chasing dog, a deer on the side of the road eating the grass, and a baby figuring out how to drink from a sippy cup for the first time sparks an appreciation for life.
When time seems like it isn't moving is the times I can realize all the blessings there are. These moments are the times I can spend hours talking to God and it seems like I have all the time in the world. I remember to be thankful and to pray for others rather than myself. I love these moments when I don’t use the excuse I am too busy or too tired. Moments I realize the true value of slowing down.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Day 4 of My 7 Days of Giving Thanks 2012
Today I am thankful for a subject really close to my heart. On day 4 of My 7 Days of Giving Thanks I am thankful for friends. They are strangers one second and apart of your entire life the next. I am especially thankful for my best friend.
I can still remember the first day we met and how we kept running into each other afterwards. I am so thankful for how we slowly and strongly grew from acquaintances to best friends. We took the time to get to know each other and found out we had more and more in common, so much at times we felt like we were the same person. At other times we couldn't have felt more different.
So today is to friends. Especially the ones who stick with you through the good times and the bad. Today I am thankful for true friendship.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Day 3 of My 7 Days of Giving Thanks 2012
I don’t find it too hard to be thankful most of the time. However, I do find it hard to choose only one thing I am thankful for. Tonight, I had to pray and I waited until God put a main focus on my heart. Today, Day 3 of My 7 Days of Giving Thanks, I am thankful for my son.
I love being a mom. Early morning I wake up beside a (loud) smiling face cooing and laughing. Little hands smack at my arm telling me it is time to get up. I give him morning hugs and kisses. Then I change his diaper and give him more hugs and kisses. We talk to each other. He answers me in grins and laughs. Each one more blissful than the next. I fix him breakfast and he chimes, “num num” in approval. We play together and watch movies. At night, he lays beside me drinking a bottle of milk until he falls asleep.
How beautiful it is to have such a charming son. He is truly one of the biggest blessing ever given to me. I am so thankful to be this little boys mommy. I love you my Little Baby <3
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Day 2 of My 7 Days of Giving Thanks 2012
Yesterday I told you how I
was thankful for My Savior Jesus Christ. Today, Day 2 of My 7 Days
of Giving Thanks, I am thankful to be member of the Body of Christ.
Daily, I take for granite
the blessing of My Salvation. I pass by those who are unsaved
everyday. Not taking the time to talk to the lost. Maybe I pass by
because I don't believe I can make a difference, possibly because I
am scared of getting rejected or criticized, and mostly because I am
in a hurry or too busy. No matter the reason I don't stop and these
people get passed on by.
We have all been there.
How selfish are these reasons though. God's people find it a
inconvenience to stop and take the time to make sure someone else has
a chance of Salvation. I can't help but wonder where would I be if
no one would have taken the time to stop and talk to me. What if
someone thought I was a incontinence?
Any reason don't see to
matter. Today I am thankful God gave me the opportunity to do His
work and no longer want to take it for granite. I no longer wish to
find the only true important task in the world an inconvenience. I
want to do what God put me here to do. After all, His Will is
perfect, not mine.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Day 1 of My 7 Days of Giving Thanks 2012
I can’t lie, today was rough. The day was not very eventful. I was sick all day. I had to get my grandma to help watch over my son because I was bent over in pain with some stomach virus. Though the lack of events and my not being able to start writing this until late at night my heart has been centered on one thing specifically.
One could say today I should be thankful for health or help, and though I am thankful for both of these today I am thankful for the one who gave me both of these. For My Day 1 of Giving Thanks, I am thankful for My Savior Jesus Christ.
Today I thought what good would it be to have perfect health and all the help in the world but not to have Jesus. Simply, it would do me no good at all(Mark 8:36*). So, in all the events of today I am thankful for My Jesus who loved me enough to die for me so I could be forever His.
I know that today’s post was not that long but I don’t believe something has to be real wordy or long to have meaning behind it. I have learned I can’t be thankful for anything else before I am thankful for Jesus because everything else is meaningless.
*“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” ~Mark 8:36~
For good reading on how to be saved I included Acts 16:30-31.
"...Sirs, what must I do to be saved?
And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved, and your house."
Thursday, November 15, 2012
An Introduction to My 7 Days of Giving Thanks 2012
An Introduction to My 7 Days of Giving Thanks 2012
This year on November 1st my mind was completely blown when I checked my Facebook. Posted on many of the ladies(and a few girls) timelines was a status update explaining about Day 1 of their “30 Days of Thanksgiving.” Most of these post spoke about something they were thankful about that day. After easily figuring out that “30 Days of Thanksgiving,” was posting something I was thankful about everyday for the whole month of November my first thought was, “Wow! What a great idea!” Of course, with much excitement, I joyfully leaped on the band wagon and posted a status update on Facebook to begin my, “30 Days of Thanksgiving.”
When I was finished posting my first, “I’m thankful for…” I begin to brainstorm and dream about what thankful situation would reach my heart(or mind)the next day so I could post it up for everyone to see. Though wrong to boast I couldn't help but think, “What fun!” and eagerly awaited to see who would comment and/or like my post. I kept the thought of, “I’m not really boasting, I am doing this to show publicly how I am thankful,” on the top of my mind. I knew though that only half of my intentions were this humble while the other half was purely vain.
As the month progressed, I got busy(and lazy) so I didn't get on Facebook everyday and at times ended up grouping 3 day’s of my, “I am thankful fors…” into one status update. Though with good intentions to be thankful and show it publicly all November as time passed I fell back into old routine. Even with the promise of comments and likes I did not have the time to be thankful everyday for a month and posting it publicly wasn't enough to keep me accountable.
My month of Thanksgiving had so easily and quickly lost most of its meaning. I could not even take time out of everyday to find something I was thankful for to post publicly let alone post something publicly while being fully humble. Sitting down I thought about how I could turn this experience into a positive one. One that others and I could learn from.
After much though I decided I should do a blog. My logic was if I do an Introduction 8 days before Thanksgiving and then spend the next 7 days truly being thankful I could kill two birds with one stone(though this was probably not the best phrase to pair with being thankful). Not only do I enjoy writing but it is meant to be seen and commented on by people. This would allow me to be less boastful when publicly posting what I am thankful for while spending true quality time being completely thankful.
I want to make these next 7 days really count. I don’t want them to be rituals or half hearted but for me to truly learn something about what it means to be thankful. My goal for the next 7 Days is to be truly thankful and to find situations to show I am thankful so at the end of the day I can post these situations on my blog here for you guys to read.
~Brittani Laws~
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Pure Joy
Pure Joy
Some people would probably believe this worriless joy I felt was not such an awkward emotion. However, due to circumstances (such as I was younger, unemployed, living with my parents, and not married) most would find this emotion strange. The thing is I didn’t dwell on these circumstances at this time. There was no need to. This moment belonged to God, my unborn baby, and me. This is what mattered, nothing else.
How I Was Able to Have Just Joy In This Moment
Problem 1: I was younger
Solution: “Can all your worries add a single moment to you life? Of course not. (NLT).” ~Matthew 6:27 and Luke 12:25~
Worrying in this moment would do nothing but destroy the joy I was suppose to feel. So I refused to worry. Worrying could not change the situation and it was not needed. Besides, Jeremiah 1:7 says, “…Do not say, ‘I am a youth‘…(NKJV),” which means not to say I am too young. God will direct you.
Problem 2: Unemployed
Solution: Go ahead and read the rest of the passage in Matthew and Luke from Problem 1 ( Matthew 6:25-34 included at end of blog).
I could pray for the way God wanted to provide for me but could not force anything. A job could have been the way God provided for me, however, despite my endless applications, it was not in God’s plans for this to be the way I was provided for during my pregnancy. Instead, God sent His children, His people, to help me. For this I am truly grateful. God who so love you will make sure you are provided for if you trust Him.
Problem 3:Living with My Parents
Solution: “ If a son asks for bread from any father among you, will he give him a stone? Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent instead of a fish? Or if he asks for an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him(NKJV).” ~Luke 11: 11-13~
This one is difficult and varies per situation. I knew my parents were not going to be thrilled about me being pregnant but I also knew they were not going to throw me out in streets. Whatever your situation I believe the most important thing is to love this unborn baby more than you fear the situation. Most importantly, trust God will all your heart, and in this case, with all the baby’s heart too. He is your Father Who will give you better gifts than any person down here and protect you from harms way.
Problem 4: I was not married
Solution: “As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed out transgressions from us(NKJV).”
“…You will cast out sins into the depths of the sea(NKJV).” ~Micah 7:19
Yes, I had sex before I was married but I had already asked Jesus for forgiveness of my sin. I am Saved and this is the beautiful thing about undeserved Mercy, God had already forgiven me because of what Jesus did on the Cross. I am not bound to the chains of sin but released by Grace.
God allowed me to have the joy I felt at that moment and there was nothing the devil could do that could steal my joy because I kept my eyes on God and my hands on my tummy, my baby. I had joy knowing there was life in me. Joy God had entrusted the life to me. Pure joy.
~Written By Brittani Laws,
Wednesday October 3, 2012
Matthew 6:25-34“So I tell you, don’t worry about everyday life-whether you have enough food, drink, and clothes. Doesn’t life consist of more than food and clothing? Look at the birds. They don’t need to plant or harvest or put food in barns because your heavenly Father feeds them. And you are far more valuable to Him than they. Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? Of course not. And why worry about your clothes? Look at the lilies and how they grown. They don’t worry or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and gone tomorrow, won’t He more surely care for you? You have so little faith! So don’t worry about having enough food or drink or clothing. Why be like the pagans who are so deeply concerned about these things? Your heavenly Father already knows all your needs, and He will give you all you need from day to day if you live for Him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern(NLT).”
*Note from me, Luke 12:22-34 is worth reading too, it has a little bit more than this passage does.
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