Thursday, September 15, 2016

September 15, 2016

Possible Goals for this month update again :) 

Goal 1: Start a Bible Study
Virtuous Life by Time Warp Wife is fantastic.  I'm on week 3 now and I absolutely love it.  She's just began a new bible study too and it would be very easy for anyone to quickly jump in.  So far she's a 10 out of 10.  I recommend checking this sight out completely. 

Goal 2: Finish a book.  Technically I just did this very thing today(Sep 1) so this goal is already finished. 

Goal 3: Finish another book.

Began: September 9, 2016
Finish: September 15, 2016

Suzanne Collins "The Hunger Games" from her series "The Hunger Games," is just fabulous.  If I hadn't been too busy grownuping I would have been done even sooner.  Easy to read words, simple structure, well imagined plot line and keeps you wanting to read.  

Which is what I am going to do.  Next in line is Suzzane Coliins, "Catching Fire."  I can't wait to start it tomorrow. 

Im so glad I ordered me a cool foil box set on Amazon that was on sell.  It is paperback but they are beautiful books(pictures included).

Goal 4: Finish a knitting project.
I have not begun any nor have I finished any. 

Goal 5: Write a short story.
I have not written any short story but I have wrote some.  Like my post, "The Mother I Want to Be (for my son Levi)."  Plus I have more things I am also working on.  I do want to write a new short story though.  

Plus I did do my Halloween Story Early Blog that got way more hits then normal so I think I'm going to revise it some.  

Goal 6: Learn something new.
I learn a lot new in my Bible Study everyday.  No new skill yet though.  I thought about learning to crochet instead of just talk about it.   

Goal 7: Go somewhere new.
Unfortunately I have not got out to anywhere new yet but I will soon hopefully.  I do have somewhere nearby I want to go I have never been to before :) so hopefully soon. 

So there they are.  My September goals and where they are at one the 15?.  I still have a lot more I want to do this month and know I stay busy but hopefully soon I will get even more done.

Brittani Laws Writing

Monday, September 12, 2016

Chat Snap 20

Hey Everyone,

Wow, it's kind of hard to believe this is only the 20th post for Chap Snap.  Many pictures later it feels like many more. 

Let's get started. 

These were fun.  I had a lot of fun with the umbrella and rain one.  Oh, and the Queen of Hearts was a bunch of fun too. I was all, "Off with her head!" 

The KFC Snap Chat made me want KFC so bad.  The duck.  I had so much fun with the duck.  I even did movies with them.  Maybe I'll show them to you sometimes.  Lots of fun. 

More duck.  I told you I had fun with the duck.  It was so ducking awesome hahaha okay I'm done😹. 

Have a great day!

Brittani Laws Writing

P.S. I just realized my auto correct has been misspelling sincerely, so if their has been any days this has happened I haven't noticed I do apologize.

*All Chat Snaps are taken with the Snap Chat App.  In which I highly recommend as a great fun app to get and interact with family and friends.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Candy Corn (How I became a Vampire)

Good Evening,

So it all started when I had to take my sister and her friend to get food one day.  I was so thirsty and needed to get water so bad so we stopped by the local gas station so I could buy me a delicious cold bottled water.  

Dehydrated and near to death while waiting in line that went on forever and never stopped I noticed the neatly stacked bags of candy corn beside the front desk.  

Rejuvenated from excitement I picked on up and sat it beside my water in my arms.  After this moment the line went very fast. 

I decided to wait to open the mouth watering candy corn until I got home and drank the bottled water while taking them to stuff their face with fast food junk.  

Finally, after much waiting I was home and opened my bad of candy corn.  There is nothing like the soft sugary goodness of biting into your first candy corn of the season. It is a savory moment.  After that, things begin to become more complicated. 

I noticed the candy was become more and more better with every bite I took.  I was sucking the life out of every peice I came across.  And that's when it happened, my destiny, right there, in front of my thirsty mouth, two perfect candy corn fangs places specially in this bag that was there for me to pick up.  I know it was no coincidence.

So I did what any normal candy corner would do, I picked up my prize and became a Candy Corn Vampire.

I had turned into the monster I knew had always been there.  There was no stopping me.  I was a beast in the night with a purpose.  To kill every candy corn in existence.  I needed more and more sugar, there was no stopping me until...

Yes, the candy corn fangs were melting and had to be destroyed.  

Sugar teethed and thirsty I drank some water and brushed the orange sugar stains from me delicate teeth, leaving only a. I've white tint with no trace of all the pure sugar lives I had taken that night.  

I learned a lesson that night.  Never underestimate the power of candy corn and what it can turn you into. 

And Happy Early Halloween :)

Brittani Laws Writing 

Chap Snap 19

Hey guys,

I know it's been a while since I have done a Chap Snap and have done none this month, so I figured now was a good time to start up again.  Especially since I have so many crazy picture haha.  So here they are. 

I had fun with the swimming one.  I like the Snap Chats that include water.  :) I was winning.  Haha no one says that anymore. 

Most of these I was just being silly with.  I think none was my favorite except the spider web eye liner.  Reminds me of my goth days. 

This one really made me want some watermelon.  I remember being so upset there was none in the house.  Looking back at it now makes me want some.  Mhm I freaking love watermelons. 

Anyways, that's all for tonight.  


*All Chat Snaps are taken with the Snap Chat App.  In which I highly recommend as a great fun app to get and interact with family and friends.

September 10, 2016

Possible Goals for this month update. 

Goal 1: Start a Bible Study
I did indeed begin a fantastic Bible Study on Septemeber 1 and have been doing it everyday this month so far.  It is called A Virtuous Life and is by Time Warp Wife.  If you haven't heard of her you should most certainly check out her blog which has many Bible Study's and free resources alone with some really neat things she has to offer on Amazon.

Goal 2: Finish a book.  Technically I just did this very thing today(Sep 1) so this goal is already finished. 

Goal 3: Finish another book.

Though I started one book last month and finished it on the 1st day of this month making it where I finished a book this month I did start a new book on September 9,2016.   

Since I just finally watched the last Hunger Game movie making it so I have seen all the movies I realized I needed to read all the books for  Suzanne Collins series "The Hunger Games." 

I have not read any of these books and am currently very excited about reading them. 

I ordered me a cool foil box set on Amazon that was on sell.  It is paperback but they are beautiful books(pictures included).

Goal 4: Finish a knitting project.
I have not begun any nor have I finished any. 

Goal 5: Write a short story.
I have not written any short story but I have wrote some.  Like my post, "The Mother I Want to Be (for my son Levi)."  Plus I have more things I am also working on.  I do want to write a new short story though.

Goal 6: Learn something new.
I learn a lot new in my Bible Study everyday.  No new skill yet though.  I thought about learning to crochet instead of just talk about it.   

Goal 7: Go somewhere new.

Unfortunately I have not got out to anywhere new yet but I will soon hopefully.  I do have somewhere nearby I want to go I have never been to before :) so hopefully soon. 

So there they are.  My September goals and where they are at one the 10th.  I still have a lot more I want to do this month and know I stay busy but hopefully soon I will get even more done.

Brittani Laws Writing

Sunday, September 4, 2016

The Mother I Want to Be (for my son Levi)


Luke 12:11-32, The Prodigal Son.  If you haven't read this parable it is certainly one to read.  It is about this man who has 2 sons.  One of his sons ask for his inheritance early and then left, using it all until there was none.  He then out of desperation persuaded employment feeding swine, where he too ate the swine's food.  Hungry and desperate he remembers his Father who has many servants.  He decided he would go to his Father and tell him of his wrong and ask to be His servant.

When the boy was coming back his Father saw his from afar and had compassion and ran and kissed the boy.  The boy told his Father of his sin and that he was no longer worthy to be called his son.  Before the boy could finish(asking his Father to be a servant) his Father called for a servant to bring the best robe and put it on the boy, and a ring to put on the boy, and shoes for the boys feet.  And to bring a fat calf and to kill it so they could eat and be merry.

And the Father said,
"For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.  And they began to be merry."
~Luke 15:24~

The parable continues after this with the other son coming in and being angry and not understanding why the Father would just let his brother come back home and the Father explaining to him that he never left and all he had was his but his brother did leave and is now found again but 15:24 is where I am stopping for this.

I am not saying that my son is going to leave home and waste everything he has.  I am using this to show the kind of mother I want to be because I want to be the kind of mother that the Father is in this story,

No matter where life takes my son I want to be there waiting for him.  I don't want to be waiting to tell him how all he does is wrong or that I disagree with all he is doing with his life.  I don't want to tell him that I am always right and he is always wrong.

I want to be the kind of mother that everytime I see him coming back home I shout, "Welcome home son!"

I want to be there to guide him and offer him anything I can help him with.  I want to be a place he knows he can come to for shelter.  I was to feed him and be merry.  I want to love him and guide him with the love of Jesus and not with my judgement of his every wrong doing.

I want to be a mother who loves her son like Jesus loves me, where all is forgiven and the only thing left is to welcome my child home.

And though I am not perfect I hope my son and I can always be patient and forgiving with one another.  Reminding the other that we are only human and we only get to see each other here on this earth for a short amount of time.  I hope we can love each other and remind each other to love and not judge.  No matter where life takes my son I want him to say, "I love my mom and am glad she was my mother."

Brittani Laws Writing, A Mother's hope

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Another Month Begins Thursday September 1, 2016

Hello Everyone,

I know it has been a while since I have consistently been on here.  Back in the middle of August I took a tumble, a very rough current tumble(if you were me you would see the irony in that statement, and it took a little bit of time for me to begin feeling better.  Even though I am still not 100% recovered(mostly just sore) I am feeling well enough to make sure I do post something for the beginning of the month.  

Here are some cools dates coming up soon;
Fall begins on Thursday September 22 so there is 20 days until Fall.
Halloween is on Monday October 31 so there is 60 days until Halloween.
Thanksgiving is on Thursday November 24 so there is 84 days until Thanksgiving.
Winter begins on Wednesday December 21 so there is 111 days until Winter.
Christmas begins on Sunday December 25 so there is 115 days until Christmas.
And finally
New Years Begin Sunday January 1, 2017 so there is 122 days until the New Years.

Wow, I bet you here soon I will be sitting here typing about how quick the New Years came.  It doesn't take long for time to fly does it?

Of course we need a list of Possible Goals for this month.
Goal 1: Start a Bible Study
Goal 2: Finish a book.  Technically I just did this very thing today so this goal is already finished.
Goal 3: Finish another book.
Goal 4: Finish a knitting project.
Goal 5: Write a short story.
Goal 6: Learn something new.
Goal 7: Go somewhere new.

So there are some goals for this month.  I will try and blog more this month without fizzing out.  I will also try and start posting some more Chat Snaps.  Maybe try to post so more new stuff also.

I hope everyone has a good rest of your September 1.
