Sunday, November 6, 2016

Remembering to Be Thankful Day 6

Hello Everyone,

Welcome to Day 6 of my Remembering to be Thankful.  The first 3 days I expressed my thankfulness for God, Day 4 I expressed my thankfulness for my son, and Day 5 I expressed my thankfulness for my family.

For Day 6 I would like to express my thankfulness for my friends.  

All of them throughout the years.  Friends from years ago when I was in elementary school, middle school, high school and college.  Friends from soccer, softball, basketball, and cheer-leading.  Friends from internships and work.  Friends from church, knitting groups and coffee houses. People I met out of no where and were only friends with for a few hours time.  Friends I don't talk to much and we went separate ways.  Everyone impacted my life in some way.  Isn't it great to have people there in your life.  Some for a long time and some for a season.  People who always stay in your heart.  

My mother taught me a song she use to sing in girl scouts a long time ago. 

"Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the others gold," and I guess it always kind of stuck with me(I don't know who wrote this song so please forgive no credentials.  I did look on google but only saw it referred to as a scout song).

People come and go out of your life everyday, people change and grow apart, sometimes you just don't get to talk to each other as much, but for that time in your life, however long or short, they were apart of who you are, and I am so thankful for all my friends I have had through out the years.

Brittani Laws Writing 

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