Sunday, September 27, 2020

Late night September 27, 2020


Wow, it has been a while!!!  Over a year.  I don't know how this keeps happening.  Time, it just keeps on ticking, doesn't it.  That's okay though, isn't it?  So many opinions and other people talking all the time online a year really isn't like a year, now is it?  No one misses hearing from me on here.  No one honestly probably realized I wasn't here.  Isn't that crazy?  I guess this blog is more like me just popping in every once in a while to see how I am doing.  

How am I doing?  I'm always fantastic.  I am always good.  So what have we missed about me?

We have missed nothing special. I am always first a mother.  I know some people are probably thinking, "well a mother is not who you are," but it really is, and I would not trade it for the world.  If I leave this world and no one ever hears my voice or what I am saying other then my child I am okay with this.  I am happy.  

I took some time off knitting to read more this year.  Reading more was nice.  I am still knitting and have knit a lot as well.

Co-vid?  I am essential, no time off. Nothing really changed for me.  I didn't have a big adjustment problem.  I think the zoom meeting were the hardest but after a day or so we adapted.  The online school is great because I get to spend more time with my family and my son has had fantastic teacher who teach because they love it and it is more then a job to them.  

I have wrote, took time off from writing(not blogging) and am now picking the pen(and blog) back up some.  For the blog I am unsure how long I am picking it up but I am blogging for the moment.  

I guess that is it for tonight though.   I have nothing else to say.

Until next time, 

Brittani Laws Writing