Thursday, November 27, 2014

7 Days of Thanksgiving 2014: Thursday November 27, 2014 Day 7


Today I am thankful for Love.  

"For God so Loved the world, that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have Everlasting Life."
~John 3:16~

Love saved us.  

"THOUGH I speak with the tongues of men and of Angels, and have no charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.  
      And though I have the Gift of Prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all Faith, so I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.  
      And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profits me nothing." 
~ 1 Corithians 13:1-3~

Without Love we are nothing. 

"(Love) Bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things." 
~1 Corithians 13:7~ 

Love endures everything else.  

I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving and is ready for a Merry Christmas.  


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

7 Days of Thanksgiving 2014: Wednesday November 26, 2014 Day 6

Today I am thankful for giving.  I pray for a heart that not only wants to receive but to give too.  Especially during these holiday seasons.  One of the best things given right now is time.  Time to spend.  Time for help.  Time to love.  Giving small things can mean the world to someone.  So give, even if just to make the difference in one person's life.


Tuesday, November 25, 2014

7 Days of Thanksgiving 2014: Tuesday November 25, 2014 Day 5

Today I would like to share how I am thankful for words.  The right Word can offer hope, freedom, and Light. 

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
      The same was in the beginning with God.
      All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made.
      In Him was Life; and the Life was the Light of men.
      And the Light shines in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not."
~John 1:1-5*~


*From the expositors studyBible KING JAMES VERSION CROSSFIRE EDITION

Monday, November 24, 2014

7 Days of Thanksgiving 2014: Monday November 24, 2014 Day 4

Today I am thankful for friends.  Though friends leave as quickly and unexpectedly as they come, their memories never fade.   Friends leave stories and good times behind.  They make up life.


Sunday, November 23, 2014

7 Days of Thanksgiving 2014: Sunday Novemeber 23, 2014 Day 3

Today, day 3 of my 7 Days of Thanksgiving I am thankful for my family.  Though they drive me crazy at times they are always there for me when I need them.  I have both good memories and bad memories, none in which I would trade off.  I love my family so much and am more grateful for them than words could say.


Saturday, November 22, 2014

7 Days of Thanksgiving 2014: Saturday November 22, 2014 Day 2

On day 2 of my 7 Days of Giving Thanks I am Thankful for my Little Levi <3 my Beautiful Son


Friday, November 21, 2014

7 Days of Thanksgiving 2014: Friday November 21, 2014 Day 1

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have Everlasting Life."
~John 3:16*~

On Day 1 of my 7 Days of Thanksgiving I am thankful that God sent his Only Begotten Son, Jesus, to save me from my sins and that His Spirit fills me. 

Everyday it is so easy to take for granted the simple truth of this passage.  As I was thinking about this passage I realize that I could say it word for word and wondered how many people have no idea what this passage even is or how it relates to them at all. 

I am thankful that Jesus knows my name and for the privilege of getting to talk to Him daily.  Every burden of Life I get to bring to Him and He takes care of me.

Knowing that I was born of original sin and would have been held accountable for it all if not for the Perfect Sacrifice of Jesus is the only truth worth knowing in the world.  I am nothing without Jesus.  I am as Thankful as I know how to be that God loved me so much He gave His only Son for me.  Jesus truly loves me.  Instead of evil I am forgiven. 


*From the expositors studyBible KING JAMES VERSION CROSSFIRE EDITION

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Dear Arlo Guthrie,: November 9, 2014 (The Story)

Dear Arlo Guthrie,: November 9, 2014 (The Story): Dear Arlo Guthrie, The next afternoon after everyone else went home it was just him and me in the Student Center.  We were playing pool fo...

Dear Arlo Guthrie,: Novemeber 8, 2014 (The Story)

Dear Arlo Guthrie,: Novemeber 8, 2014 (The Story): Dear Arlo Guthrie, Finally Spring Break ended for the college and I was back in my college classes(my high school's Spring Break was s...

Dear Arlo Guthrie,: November 7, 2014 (The Story)

Dear Arlo Guthrie,: November 7, 2014 (The Story): Dear Arlo Guthrie, And it was a very long Spring Break.  I didn't know his phone number or email.  I wasn't even sure if he had a ...

Dear Arlo Guthrie,: November 6, 2014 (The Story)

Dear Arlo Guthrie,: November 6, 2014 (The Story): Dear Arlo Guthrie, Shortly after they left I went to Taco Bell.  I couldn't afford much so I just got a few crunchy tacos for the both...

Dear Arlo Guthrie,: Novemeber 5, 2014 (The Story)

Dear Arlo Guthrie,: Novemeber 5, 2014 (The Story): That being said, the next afternoon after the cemetery I saw him(still not naming yet) in the Student Center playing pool with Jacob.  It wa...

Dear Arlo Guthrie,: November 4, 2014 (The Story)

Dear Arlo Guthrie,: November 4, 2014 (The Story): Dear Arlo Guthrie, The trip to the cemetery was fun.  When Keith and I got there he went straight to the unmarked graves.  It was strange ...

Monday, November 3, 2014

Dear Arlo Guthrie,: Novemeber 3, 2014 (The Story)

Dear Arlo Guthrie,: Novemeber 3, 2014 (The Story): Dear Arlo Guthrie, About a week had past since the Chinese restaurant.  One afternoon while our high school was letting out one of my ...

Dear Arlo Guthrie,: November 2, 2014 (The Story)

Dear Arlo Guthrie,: November 2, 2014 (The Story): Dear Arlo Guthrie, Two months passed and I never saw a glance of him but at times I did wonder.  I wasn't sure why this stranger was s...

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Dear Arlo Guthrie,: November 1, 2014 (The Story)

Dear Arlo Guthrie,: November 1, 2014 (The Story): Dear Arlo Guthrie, Last year on September 5, 2013 I began telling you a story. I believe that everyone has a story.  The significances o...